Do you spend way too much time trying to find something, anything interesting to watch? Life is too short to spend hours looking through movie titles hoping something will just present itself. I've done all that for you..That's what this Blog is all about!! Plus some strategy on whether to own it, rent it, or just forget it

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Adventures Of Tintin

Rent It!

Based on a comic character first published in 1929, The Adventures of Tintin is the first release in a planned trilogy by Steven Spielberg.  While incredibly popular with European audiences Tintin has yet to impact American audiences used to more action and less subtle dialogue.  Tintin confuses many who want to think of it as a cartoon for children but then say after seeing it that it's not for kids at all.  Perhaps parents are responding to the lovable but constantly drinking sea captain character.  Well, after all, Europeans have a different perspective on alcohol consumption than the American public who have had mixed feelings since prohibition.  Is it for kids?  Is it for adults?  Rent it for the amazing animation and decide for yourself whether Tintin will grow on you.

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington

Rent It!

If you would like to see just how little things have changed in American government since 1939 then rent this film, put up a big bowl of popcorn on a rainy afternoon and watch Jimmy Stewart at his absolute best.  Mr. Smith goes to Washington tells the story of how one man can affect change in Congress by taking a stand against corruption and the "good 'ol boys".  It's an American fairy tale that has been made and remade. When it was first released in 1939 it was controversial but produced great box office. The film was nominated for eleven Academy Awards and won for best story.  1992's The Distinguished Gentleman, starring Eddie Murphy was a loosely adapted remake.  Frank Capra directed the 1939 film and intended a sequel that was to be titled "Mr. Smith Starts A Riot" but that film never entered production.

Here Comes Mr. Jordan

Rent It!

Released in 1941 this film was based on the play "Birthday" and was the subject of remakes for decades. Most people would recognize it as "Heaven Can Wait" which was remade under that same title several times along with the original sequel "Down To Earth".   "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" is the film that started it all telling the compelling and very entertaining story of  Boxer Joe Pendelton who crashes his plane.  Assuming Pendelton could not have possibly survived the crash an angel takes his soul to heaven only to find he was wrong. Pendelton was supposed to live another 50 years.  In the confusion Pendelton's earthly body is cremated so it's up to the angels to find him another body to live out his years.  If that plot line sounds familiar you may be thinking about the Eddie Murphy remake or perhaps the Warren Beatty remake.  The first remake was released in 1947 with Don Ameche and Gene Tierney.  The original film is charming and funny starring Robert Montgomery and Claude Rains.

The Artist


This is a film for actors and those who appreciate how much care went into using the "language" of 30's style film making.  If you were to watch a film produced in those days and held the opening title and credits up side-by-side you can see how total immersion played a big role in The Artist.  There's something else interesting about this film.  Since there is no dialogue until that very end the story is told by expression alone with the addition of few old style dialogue cards that are more necessary to the style than the plot.  This is a film to own because it's something you can watch many times and it's worth owning just because of the unique nature of it's production.  It's not the first retro-silent film.  Mel Brooks produced  "Silent Movie" which was released in 1976. Brooks concept was to have some fun with the ridiculous idea of looking for actors and financial backing to make the first silent film in 40 years.  "The Artist" presents a serious look at the dilemma faced by silent film actors when the disruptive technology of sound came to film.  Overnight people who had been big stars in the silent era were suddenly out of work.  Few made the transition because often silent film stars did not have voices that fit the personas they displayed on screen.  Rent this one certainly.  Collectors should own it.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Notebook

Rent It!

The older you become the more you can appreciate this film.  It's about real courage, real commitment between two people.  It's a good rental option for the romantic.

John Carter

Rent It!

Disney spent a pile of money to make this film and got split reviews and nowhere near what they thought they would at the box office.  Still worth seeing because Disney did spend a pile of money on a piece of classic science fiction in making this Edgar Rice Burroughs story.  

The Jerk

Own It!

Why? It's Steve Martin at his peak.  The pacing of the scenes is important to the flow of the film. When this is shown on television it is usually cut for timing or to jam commercial breaks in.  It just doesn't work the same.  Own a copy of this one.  Look for it in the bargain racks at your local video store, or buy it cheap on line.

Sherlock Holmes: Game Of Shadows

Own It!

With less than a dozen recently released films popular out there at the moment this Robert Downey Jr. effort will be going through a lot of hands in the rental business which means it's probable that once you slip it into your machine it may not work at all.  At the very least the grease stain fingerprints from too much snack food will lead you into total frustration just trying to get through it.  Download it, or get the DVD version.  It's something you'll be grabbing on rainy days as you sit down to a big bowl of movie butter popcorn.


Forget It!

Yes this is based on the game.  It worked for Transformers but, of course the Transformer movies worked well because the stories played off how a child would play with a Transformer toy and make up situations.  The hide and seek strategy of the game Battleship! is hardly the same thing but that didn't stop the producers from making this thing anyway.  There are plenty of action films out there that are more entertaining.  If you find yourself without an alternative then by all means wait until this hits the blockbuster $1 rental offerings.  Shouldn't be long.

Hunger Games

Own it!

If you are just curious as to what the shouting is all about when it comes to this film and the book series it comes from then by all means rent it first.  Reading the books beforehand will help you understand what's going on in the film.  It's a quick read to devour all three novels since they were written for young readers much like the Harry Potter books.  They are considerably shorter and less complex than Potter.  There may be a director's cut for this film as it seems there is quite a lot of plot development left out in order to get to the action sequences as quickly as possible.  If you are a fan then this is a "must own".  The blu-ray version has superior sound and the offer of Ultra Violet downloads is a welcome addition that you won't get by renting. This is also available at less than DVD pricing via iTunes.

Swing Kids

Rent It!

1939 Germany provides the backdrop for this 1993 film that tells the story of Nazi control over German youth culture from the perspective of a small group of swing music enthusiasts.  Rent this one for the music and the opportunity to see some familiar faces in the cast.  Batman's Christian Bale and Robert Sean Leonard who played Dr. James Wilson on the television series House star.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Iron Lady

Rent It!

The story of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is told with great respect and the performance lends an effective behind the scenes view of "Maggie" revealing her strength and incredible hubris.  She is played as a hero whose leadership underwent some of Britain's most difficult struggles in modern times. This Biopic divided the critics and the audience.  You may not buy Thatcher as the legend depicted but it does throw an interesting light on British politics and closed door decision-making. Rent it to admire Meryl Streep's abilities as an actor if nothing else.

Being There

Own It!

This 1979 film is a clever comedy with Peter Sellers that speaks volumes about American politics and intellectualism.  It's one of those films that is well done but not very commercial, certainly not by today's standards.  If you have yet to discover this little gem you are in for a delightful treat. Download it from Amazon or order the DVD.  It is sometimes difficult to find a hard copy but worth the hunt.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Own It!

This was made for the home theater. No question about it.  When this comes out on Blu-Ray / DVD it will make a fine addition to your action/adventure scifi library and something you'll want to watch more frequently  making renting less practical.  I'd be looking for a Director's cut on this film in addition to the theatrical version likely to precede it into release.  While it's likely this will be widely available through On Demand then released to subscribers on movie channels, home theater owners will want to look for 7.1 sound on blu-ray for this film.  If that's going to happen it's likely to come on the first release.  Even if the producer goes with 5.1 dolby, it's still a film to own.

Snow White And The Huntsman

Wait For Cable!

The film is due for DVD release on September 11, 2012.  Interesting but not a keeper.  Probably too scary for little children which means it's less probable your rental will come to you unplayable but here's the thing; the cable movie channels will be playing this one repeatedly. Why? Kristen Stewart.  Her performance is typically wooden and the real star is Charilize Theron who amazes with her work as the Evil Queen.  Stewart is the draw in this film with her Twilight Saga fans.  This isn't lost on the people at HBO, So once it's released to cable there will be many (many..many..many) opportunities to watch it.  The film will suffer little going from big screen venues to your home theater in terms of quality. Wait this one out.

Men In Black III

Own It!

The film is set for release in Blu-Ray and DVD versions on November 30th. Worth owning if you love the series.  While this film was less popular with the critics it did make a hit with the general public and that means when it comes out you may end up getting a rental with peanut butter smears, scratches that send the disc reader back to track one and a general sense of frustration with the family that rented it before you.  Here's a helpful rule of thumb: Plan to buy your own copy if it's a movie that parents rent and therefore kids are likely to be handling.

The Amazing Spiderman

Rent it!

This "way too soon" remake begs the question: Why? Expect this one to come in a Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack with a bonus device download that will be rushed to market just as soon as it clears theaters.  It's possible that it may also come bundled with the previous Spiderman films with a steep price tag as the producers attempt to recover the profit margin they were looking for with this latest release. This may stall it's availability to cable channels where it would likely go to paid On Demand  before releasing for repeated play on the movie channels.


Wait for cable!

What if your best pal is your teddy bear and what if the bear came to life? What then would happen as your childhood companion grew up along with you?  The result in this case is a teddy bear that acts just like the average single guy who likes to party.  It's hilarious in places, and almost touching in others.  I suspect the cable channels will play this over and over once it clears Blu-ray release so owning it is probably unnecessary

The Campaign

Rent It!

This movie will be something great to settle in with after a tough day at the office and looks like a winner for the home screen.  It's not a movie to watch with the kids as some of the situations, while funny, might be a bit difficult to explain to a six-year-old.  Not something to add to the home collection unless you are an avid Will
Ferrell fan.  For most this is a future rental option and not an immediate must-see.

What's This About?

It wasn't that long ago we all made the trip to the local video store to look for movies to take home. Things have changed rapidly and the number of ways you can choose to watch movies has exploded!  You can download,  you can stream. On Demand is everywhere to say nothing of the impact of blu-ray and high definition.  You can watch films on just about every device you own.

You can also spend more than ever before to go see the latest offerings in a theater.  There are many choices at the old movie house these days.  Bigger screens up to IMAX size and the advancement of 3D makes some movies more exciting than ever before.

Different movies lend themselves to different formats.  Just because a film is offered in 3D does not mean it's necessarily better than the 2D version.

In this blog we'll write about a kind of strategy for coping with all this variety.  We won't be writing so much about artistic endeavor as we will focus on what we think is the best way to see them.  We'll also note why there are particular films you might want add to your personal collection.

Comments are welcome as we get this project off the ground to help you decide to Own it, Rent it, or Forget it.